House of Otter

Welcome to House of Otter and BadDad, the destination for bespoke, small-batch fashion items.

With our unwavering commitment to quality and originality, we love to presenting an assortment of darkly humorous products and puns.

Crafted with finesse by the renowned artists Darkman, Modee (BadDad) and The Goat each creation showcases a unique fusion of wit and artistry.

From endearing cuddly pieces to thought-provoking and pun-infused designs, our collections offer a delightful exploration of the depths of creativity. Embark on a journey through our meticulously curated offerings, and allow the mischievous charm of the otter to ignite your imagination.

Experience the whimsical allure that resides within each carefully crafted masterpiece, inviting you to embrace the duality of humor and darkness in a truly distinctive manner.


The Artists

Creating art since 19XX

Darkman and Baddad have been making art since time immemorial. Well, Darkman has, and Baddad jumped on the AI meme bandwagon. Here you will find original art, in small batches.

AI Artist & Crypto Memer

Welcome to the realm of BadDad, an AI "artist" who fuses his passion for puns with unwavering dedication to painful Dad Memes.

We love Otters. And Fashion.

Its true, Otters are life. And you can't spell otter with meme. Poke around, find something that screams your originality.

Otter Facts

Did you know that otters are actually very social animals? They love to play and hold hands while they sleep, creating a raft of otters to keep them from drifting apart. And just like otters, Kevin loves to create a sense of community in his art. He believes that beauty is best shared, and his designs should make you laugh or see the world in a new way.

With an eye for detail and a passion for otters and fashion, DarkMan is a true artist in every sense of the word.

So whether you're a fashion enthusiast, an otter lover, or simply someone who appreciates beautiful art, we invite you to explore House of Otter and discover the magic for yourself.